The construction of a Chimney posses a unique challenge since not only does it need to be constructed using special material that can sustain hazardous substances. That said it was much simpler to build one in the past as compared to today. The Chimney design and construction in this day and age requires a higher level of technical expertise and precision to implement. This has a lot to do with the greater awareness and greater concern about the environment. Hence some of the most basic requirements while protecting a chimney are ACID RESISTANT CHIMNEY BRICK and thermal material.
One of the most dependable methods of constructing an effective chimney that will not be slowly destroyed by the gasses and smoke is to use ACID RESISTANT CHIMNEY BRICK and tiles lining.
KCIPL manufactures ACID RESISTANT CHIMNEY BRICK liner as per ASTM C-980 (type I and II) for Wet FGD systems and can easily withstand wet flue gases containing SO2, fly-ash, halogen compounds up to 50oC to 170oC.
Khodiyar also manufacture acid resistant tiles for abrasion resistance requirement inside the chimney and power station battery rooms where chemical resistant properties are essential.
List of power station we have served so far.
- Kothagudam thermal power station, Telangana
- Korba super power station
- Mundra thermal & ultra mega power station
- Tiroda thermal power station
- Indiabulls Amravati thermal power project
- Tarapur atomic power station
- Udipi thermal power plant
- Wanakbori thermal power station
- Neyveli Lignite corporation Limited
- Tuticorin thermal power station
- Trombay thermal power Station.